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Ystafelloedd / Rooms


Adar Mawr




Rhwng 30 a 36 mis oed

Age range - 30 to 36 months


Hyd at 12 o blant rhwng 30-36 mis oed â 3 aelod o staff. Ystafell â naws sy’n fwy tebyg i ddosbarth, er mwyn dechrau paratoi plant ar gyfer yr ysgol. Gweithgareddau hwylus yn ogystal â rhai sy’n annog plant i greu marciau, gwrando ar straeon a’u trafod, a meithrin sgiliau mathemateg trwy gyfrif ac adnabod siapiau. Bwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol sy’n cyflwyno technoleg gwybodaeth i’r plant.

Chwarae tu fas bob dydd a dysgu mwy am fyd natur a garddio ac anifeiliaid trwy helpu i ofalu am yr ieir.






Up to 12 children from 30-36 months with 3 members of staff.

A room with more of a classroom environment in order to begin to prepare children for school.

Fun activities as well as some that will encourage children to make marks, listen and discuss stories and introduce mathematical skills through counting and recognising shapes.

An interactive whiteboard to increase I.T. skills.

Daily outside play to learn more about nature and gardening and by encouraging the children to help look after the hens.

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