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Ystafelloedd / Rooms


Y Caban




Plant dros 3 oed

Age range - Over 3 years


Hyd at 10 o blant dros 3 oed â 2 aelod o staff.
Dilyn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru.
Gwasanaeth hebrwng a chasglu plant am Ysgol Llangynnwr ac Ysgol y Dderwen.
Yn cynnig gofal cofleidiol i blant sy'n mynychu ysgol rhan amser.
Llawer o adnoddau diddorol, addas i’r oed, yn ogystal â chyfleon i chwarae tu fas bob dydd.





Up to 10 children over 3 years of age accompanied by 2 members of staff.
Following the Curriculum for Wales.
A drop off and collection service for Llangunnor and Ysgol y Dderwen schools.
Offering wraparound care for children attending part time school.
Lots of interesting age-appropriate resources and opportunities to play outside every day.

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